
had been standing in the corner of the type

Third adorable queen contest ", the highest award of high grade 2 heart miss
"third back to Akihabara hair!Adorable "Queen competition finals, 12, Tokyo, Akihabara UDX held, from Kanagawa County heart miss awards.

[expand portraits and other paintings]

third times this year's "Akihabara!Adorable queen contest ", Akiba Nakano Ikebukuro cos working women, young beauty contest Saimoe decision.The final assembly, the implementation of rehabilitation for development with literature, science, and that OTAPOKE and WEB in the genesis election primaries, the top 12 most people participate in the vote, chairman of publishing producer high must base kernels, judge Morinaga Takuro, you may and hemp, Tianjin, Narita Doume et al. Before, the balloon art and portrait painter, rice with egg production stage at the self promotion project.

qualifying for final assembly of the vote with the results of the review, the beautiful grand prix shine is, in Akihabara maid cafe in AKIHABARA · MUSIC CAFE & bar 441 of high school grade 2 heart miss.Review, dance their song "Magical double horsetail" lovely and jointly announced the audience up love miss, called names and happy tears "like me, the highest award of the coward's selection is considered to be not, so I'm very happy.To support my guest's credit, so to say "thank you".Commendation ceremony, the highest award the Amakusa Chiyu Mr. Chiyu and Mr. also wish to atmosphere, atmosphere, "than last year the level of play, I was surprised.Mr. song ends, looks very consistent is too good ", praised.

after the end of the game, a media interview.Love said: "had been standing in the corner of the type, so a person in a conspicuous is the first time to do, really feel shy" laughing, "a lot of people I don't know, so a little knows to refuel.Akiba adorable culture spread to the world!"Drive."Love as the highest performers mr..Occupation compared favorably with the or so overwhelming voice is quite good "high praise to executive chairman, AKB48, Hexi photobook hand bra juvenile photos become a problem, the sale was forced to stop things also mentioned" around that pornography is one of the 100 points, my photo album, but no.Kodansha propaganda?"And refused.

the same race as a guest performance, Alice ten times, ah Fang tofu, Chennai, Feam (once said, and), na!Kanda in the main stage a chome also debut, performing the audience warm atmosphere.

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